Mike as a law student at Brunel
1973 September - 1977 July
Created by Lesley Taylor 15 years ago
We were at Brunel studying law with Mike. We all arrived in Hall 3 Clifton in Sept 1973. We think that Mike's room was on the first floor. Lesley was on the top floor, and John was in Hall 1 Saltash. Lesley can remember the morning when the hall awoke to find that Mike and the Building Tech boys ( Graham, Willie, etc ) had bricked up the front door to the housekeeper's flat. Don't remember what her name was but she was universally known as Mrs McGinty.
It was common practice in Hall 3 to throw water out of your window on to those unlucky enough to be walking past. We use to have water fights where the fire hoses would be deployed until the place was flooded.
Here's a lawyer's joke. We remember gonig into the library to sit the Equity and Trusts exam one year. There is a saying that you must go to equity with clean hands ie you can't expect a remedy from the court if you've done wrong yourself. Mike was laughing and joking as usual. He was rubbing his hands, saying "you've got to go to Equity with clean hands, so I've washed my hands!"
He was a life enhancer.
We remember thinking that he would go places. We weren't surprised to hear that he ran Release, and that he was leader of Hammersmith Council. He was a natural public speaker.
Our love to all his family,
Lesley Taylor and John Light, Law Dept, Brunel, '73 to '77.